Instructions (readme.txt v1.8) **************** General notes on running UCS software. ***************** These demos can be run on the following machines: MS-DOS compatible PC with VGA, mouse, and 1MB of expanded memory, GridPad RC, GridPad HD, Palmpad, Grid SL, Grid Convertible. 0 - Quick instructions for the PC. Insert the floppy, change to the "UCS" directory on the floppy drive and type "go". If this does not work, you must follow the instructions below. 1 - Install the software. Insert the floppy, change to the root of the floppy drive, and type "install ", where target is the drive you want the demos copied to (for example "install c:"). 2 - Configure Memory. All UCS software requires at least 1MB of expanded memory. You may need to modify your config.sys to provide this (see "Troubleshooting" below). 3 - Select your machine. You must configure the software by running a simple batch file. Change to the "UCS" directory on the drive and type "machine ", where is the type of machine on which you are running. Choices are pc, gridpad, palmpad, sl, and convertible (all lower case). For example, type "machine palmpad" to run UCS software on a Palmpad. 4 - Run the software. From the "UCS" directory on the drive, type "go ", where is the name of the application you wish to run. For example, type "go flar" to run the UCS Florida Crash Report. (Type "go" to get a list of the applications installed on your machine.) 4.1 - Running with Padstuff: If your machine has Padstuff installed, all UCS software will appear in your Padstuff menu. 5 - Troubleshooting. If you have any difficulty getting this software to run, or you need additional information, please review the appropriate technical reference: Environment Technical Reference ----------- ------------------- PC tech_pc.txt GridPad RC techgpad.txt GridPad HD techgpad.txt Palmpad techppad.txt Grid SL tech_sl.txt Convertible tech_cnv.txt DR DOS tech_dr.txt Barcode Reader tech_bar.txt Call Ted Pryor at UCS, Inc. (305)771-8116 if you have questions/problems.